
Parent Input

LES is administering the annual MRA (Measurable Results Assessment), a survey designed to provide insights into the progress of our school. One family member fills out this online survey, which takes about 5 minutes to complete. The questions relate to your and your child's experiences at L.E.S and are completely anonymous. The survey can be completed on any computer, smartphone, or tablet with internet access. The survey is open March 1st - May 21st. Simply click on this link:  MRA Survey - Parent Input 2025



New Resource for Parents


The Tennessee Department of Education has released a new resource for schools and families.   A Guide for Partnerships with Districts, Schools, and Families is thoughtfully designed to provide essential information and practical ideas, empowering districts, schools, and families to support their students effectively within their community. For additional resources from the state visit,  Family & Community Engagement.



Yearbook Order

Stay up to date with the latest happenings at LES by checking out snowman clipartour school's newsletter, December 2024!