School Safety » School Safety

School Safety

Apps for Anonymously Reporting Suspicious or Criminal Behavior and Other Safety Concerns
  1. The school has adopted the STOPit App which can also be used to protect yourself and others from harmful, inappropriate, and unsafe behavior.  Reporting is always 100% anonymous.  Follow the link below and search for Moore County High School or Lynchburg Elementary School.  NO ACCESS CODE NEEDED!   You can click the link above or download the app directly to your phone from the app store!
For more information, please watch the following videos:
2. The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security developed SafeTN, a mobile application that is a secure, open-door communication platform where citizens can send in tips and access useful resources to help keep their schools and community safe. With SafeTN, one can anonymously report suspicious or criminal behavior and other safety concerns. You can do this by reporting observed threats, behaviors, or actions. For more information, click here.

Threat Assessment Protocol

In order to maintain safe, caring and orderly school environments, the district will be vigilant in dealing with threat-making behavior and will follow a protocol to assess risk. Any threat aimed to harm or injure students or staff, or directed at a campus in general, in any form, will be initially investigated by a school official and then, if necessary, the Student Threat Assessment Team and/or law enforcement. The Student Threat Assessment Team is comprised of school officials from multiple disciplines (counselor, school psychologist, administrator, teacher, school resource officer, etc.) to evaluate risk. The investigation may include interviewing students who are directly involved in the threat-making incidents to properly measure the level of risk. Parents of students who are directly involved will be notified.

Although very few incidents of this nature occur, the Moore County School District is committed to take all necessary precautions to keep our school campuses, staff and students safe. Parents and students are encouraged to report any information they have related to threat-making behavior to a member of your school staff or by using one of the anonymous reporting apps listed above. The most effective means of combating a potential act of violence in our schools is communication among the students, parents and the school. We value your cooperation in partnering with us to keep our schools safe, caring and orderly.


Moore County Schools has established Emergency Operations Procedures for Lynchburg Elementary School, Moore County High School, and buses which are transporting our students. We regularly practice these procedures in an effort to better prepare for crisis situations.

What parents can do to help out during a crisis?
1. Remain calm.
2. Wait for the text/phone alert with instructions.
3. Remain calm.
Safe Schools Coordinator
Wendy Hart
School Safety Coordinator:
Wendy Hart